Skip a pack of cigarettes, to enjoy healthy food.
  • Create Instagram carousel content with pictures of your favourite Indonesian food recipe for the price of (more or less) US$ 3
  • The first picture is the food picture, and the second picture is a picture of the food ingredients.
  • Include the sentence "Skip smoking, enjoy [local food name]" and the hashtag #FoodOverTobacco in text form on the picture.
  • Upload your content to your account and tag Instagram @suara_tanpa_rokok and other preferred accounts (no private account).
  • Prepare a caption with a how to recipe and invitation to celebrate the #FoodOverTobacco campaign and opt for food instead of tobacco, and include the hashtags #SuaraTanpaRokok #FoodOverTobacco (and other preferred hashtags).
  • Post your content before August 31, 2023.
  • Congratulation! Your content creation has been a part of the #FoodOverTobacco global campaign.